Some of those who backed down used the following reasons, not full enough, cant connect, not dark enough, looks funny... blah blah blah. It is the damn stampede are this is what we should be looking like for 10 days.
So to you all out there, I invite you to this contest, I will post any and all the pictures of people who send me their moustache pictures and then if there are enough we will have a panel of judges choose the winner. All you need to do is send me your e-mail in a comment and I will then have you send me a pic. The rules are simple, you can not have it connected like a beard, or goatee, and you need to have some originality and finally it has to be on your face for the full 10 days. Alright, let me start it off with my pic!! nothing out of the ordinary this year as I forgot and only started growing in the past couple weeks. But there you have it, and little variation on my usual chops. Some come one come all, and yes women are welcome!!