Well we have been extremely busy since returning from the D.R. trying to get everything in order for our australia trip. WE have been planning to take this trip since we were married. It is fast approaching and we leave next week thursday, and arrive in sydney on saturday. Here is the trip itinerary ina nut shell so that you will have some sort of idea what we are doing and where we will be when
we arriving in sydney on feb 17 and will stay with our cousins there, sight-seeing and exploring all the places they know about. Matthew plans on diving and golfing there. We leave feb 23.
We then travel to tasmania where we will drive from hobart to Laucenston making scenic stops and taking tours along the way. we are renting a car to travel and we will see how driving on the wrong side of the road on the wrong side of the car will go. we leave feb 27.
We arrive in melbourne and will spend a day here before heading out on the road. We are driving to adelaide via the great ocean road. this is one on the most scenic highways in the world and is home to the world famour 12 apostles. We leave for the road feb 28/29
After arriving in adelaide and spending time re-aquanting ourselves relatives there, we plan on having katie finish her scuba diving training (See dominican republic post) and then travel to various places around th region, and possibly frequenting a few wineries along the way. we leave march 12
Ah the great barrier reed beckons. We are in cairns now and will be very busy here, we plan on scuba diving on the reef and seeing the rainforest and tropics first hand. This will be katies first reef diving experience which is going to be absolutley incredible. We leave march 18
WE arrive for fun in the sun. Finally a place where we can just sit on the beach and relax. We will be at an island resort of the coast of brisbane. We are going to be seeing, feeding and maybe swimming with the wild dolphins, and just taking time to relax and enjoy the remaining time we have. We leave march 24
Arrive back in calgary on march 24 with plenty of stories and pictures to share. We will try to post when ever we can, but if not we will tell you about the trip when we return.
Planning trip can be hectic and almost image changing : )
Awesome! I will love watching your blog as you vacation. Don't forget to look into the night sky while in Australia. You'll see constellations not visible up here, like the "southern cross". Look forward to the updates.
Alex S
This is a great idea guys. I think Jen and I may give it a shot. At the very least it is an easy way to keep in contact with friends and family elsewhere. I wish we had done this for our month in Italy or studying abroad. Anyway, have fun and be safe.
Also, if either of you are looking for reading material on the long flight or to just have around for the spare moment, you should check out almost anything by travel writer Bill Bryson. I have read all his books and they are hilarious. Very easy to read bits at a time. He wrote a book especially about Australia "In a Sunburned Country"
Oh, and what happened to Katie's picture?
Dapper Dan
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