So now I am going 60km when I should be going 90km at least. As I look around I begin to notice something, and believe me when I say that this is not meant to be sexist, but 80% of these drivers were women. So to all you women out there, please tell me why this happens and what makes it necessary to go 60 in an 80 zone.
When I was finally able to get near my destination, the same thing was happening. I was driving down 26th ave and everyone was going 35-40km. Now for those of you who have driven this road before you will know this to be true. For some reason people treat the entire length of 26th ave as a playground/school zone. I have checked and to my knowledge there are only 3 school zones and 1 playground zone on this street, so it baffles me that it is treated like the whole bloomin' thing is a 30km/hour zone. Now just to prove that I am not a sexist pig, this time 90% of these drivers were over the age of 70 and mostly men. Now I don't have a problem with the elderly, on the contrary, but I do have a problem with people who are too old to drive the speed limit, or for that matter see the signs for the speed limit. Once you pass the age of 70, I believe that you should have to be re-tested for your license every year MINIMUM.
So to end this rant, all I want and ask for, is for the people in our great city of Calgary to take a moment to realize that the gas is the one on the right, and please stop riding your brakes and drive the speed limit or faster. People who don't are the cause of accidents, Speed doesn't kill, incompetent and slow drivers kill!! And for all who don't agree, feel free to comment all you want as long as you realize I am right and you are wrong.
Same thing in Michigan at the first snow of the year. Except we deal in MPH instead of KPH. Why deal in a smaller source of reference like a kilometer?
I apologize for my husbands' love of the US Standard measuring system. I prefer metric. I used to have a Canadian car. I liked to keep it at 100 km/hr around here.
So, what you're saying here is, because someone doesn't own a 4X4 like yourself, they shouldn't make that your problem by driving a safer speed, but rather what they should do is drive the same speed as someone with a 4X4 would drive so as not to piss off the drivers of 4X4s? This kind of makes a whole lot of no sense. A truck with four wheel drive in combination with larger tires / better tread, they have about three times the traction and control in slippery conditions than a two wheel drive smaller car. What it really comes down to is, don't make the fact that you have a 4x4 their problem. Incompetence causes a lot of accidents, but arrogance and frustration cause more. :-)
And to Braaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad,
dealing with smaller sources of measurement is more accurate. we're finicky in canada.
Oh, and I'm the best driver in the world.
Metric or US Standard is the number one Science poll on APC. After a 102 votes so far 60% say US standard. Here is the link: http://www.apopularitycontest.com/poll_category.php?category=Science
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