Well our little girl arrived on Sunday Night at 6:20, since this is our usual church time, we think that we have been blessed with a little angel! She came into this world not without problems. I will give you the condensed version of the story and then a couple pics.
Katie went into labour on Friday night/Saturday morning and started having regular contractions at 3:00 am. That morning we went for a long walk and timed everything and eventually went into the hospital to see how things were. We were told that we were definitely in labour, but not ready to be admitted. So we went home.
Later that night at around 9:30 we went back in because the contractions were becoming too much for Katie to handle. We were told that she was not quite dilated enough but that she could have some morphine to ease the pain. Again we went home around 1:30 am to get some rest and to hopefully move along with the labour.
The following morning at 5:00 (4:00 really with no time change) the morphine wore off and the contractions were extremely painful for Katie. I decided that she had had enough and at 8:30 we were off to the hospital again, this time I was not letting them discharge us. We were admitted at around 11:00 and she received an epidural shortly there after, having been through almost 36 hours of painful labour, the pain was too much. After this her waters were broke and we were on our way.
At 4:00 the nurse told Katie that she was fully dilated and would be ready to push in the next hour or so, so we should get some rest while we could. And at 5:00 Katie started pushing, and she pushed like a champ. I want to take this moment to tell all the women who have had babies, that I have a extremely deep amount of respect for what you go through, and that Katie is truly my hero!!
At 6:20 Our little angel came out, but she came out blue, limp and not breathing with the chord wrapped around her neck. She was whisked away to the specialist who started working on her right away to get her back. As Katie and I looked on nervously, they finally had her breathing and had a pulse. We had our little girl!! Shortly after that, Katie began to hemorrhage and they could not stop the bleeding, again I was an extremely scared and nervous wreck. After and Hour of work, the specialist were able to stop the bleeding, but not before I think I had a nervous break down, as all I could do was watch as the worked on my new daughter and my wife. All I was doing was saying prayers in t he corner, to come so close to losing the things that are most precious is something that no one should have to go through. In the end, everything was okay, and at 8:00ish we were able to finally hold, name and enjoy out little gift of McKenzie Jade Weening.
For those of you who don't know, the name comes from both sides of the Family. McKenzie is Katie's maiden name and, well, Weening is our last name. The initials of MJW are the same as mine, Matthew James Weening. So there you have it, a little glimpse into the labour and birth of our little girl!
Aww...what a little Dolly! I can sure see the Weening in her!
Conratulations you guys! She's beautiful!
Yay! Way to go Katie! Love the name! You can do this... remember, it's just one : ) Just kidding!
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