Wednesday, May 7, 2008

A WTF post... where is this going?

I have been thinking about the world of blogging lately and maybe that is the reason that I have been unable to come up with anything really. You see I am stuck in this rut, and I believe that I have found the reason, due in large part to my sister in law.

When you write a blog you completely open yourself to the world, there is nothing you can really do to stop people from reading what you have to say. Oh you can put up blockers and make rules, but really people it is not that hard to get in and read it. Well I am not sure how I feel about this and so it directly affects my recent lack of posting, and I will tell you why.

What is a blog? What is it supposed to be and what are people supposed to write. I have seen in the past two days new additions to the blogging world, one being my sister in law and other a friend. Reading theirs got me to thinking about what we should be writing on our blogs. I know that in the past I have written about our trip to Australia, the birth of my daughter, my hate for cats, why Ontario and eastern Canada sucks, how the states need to give their head a shake when comparing us shit beer a little brother(and somtimes just in general)and many other things. Is this the reason for a blog, a space to write whatever the hell you want circumstances be damned? Or should we be treating it a little more like a real life conversation where we would take the other peoples feelings and opinions into consideration. When did we get to the point where cyberspace ruled how we communicate. We have e-mail ,facebook, youtube, myspace, PINing, texting, the list goes on and on, but I think that we have lost the true art of communication, and I for one have been a culprit of this growing phenomenon.

Since the use of computers to e-mail, phones to text and blogs to blog, communication has gone right down the tube. I have read recently that many students who do very well in college or university end up leaving with no social skills and thusly adjustment to the real world is hard if not impossible, where as the average student leaves with very honed social skills and ends up adapting to the real working world much better. why is this? It is because the average students spent time conversing, socializing and practicing real life skills, as well as studying. On the flip side, the straight "A" students spent most of their time on-line, studying or just not learning the art of communication. In the end who is better off, well I leave that to you to decide but know this, the most successful people in the world are generally the most adaptable and social ept.

I know that this post was supposed to be about "should I post for fun, or should I post serious items, or a combinations" but as my fingers feverishly typed away my thoughts began to run rampant and the post completely changed in the middle, and that my friends is the way that it is going to stay.

In the end, the decision about the role that technology plays in out lives, and how we should use it, is completely up to the individual, but be warned that true human contact and communication cannot and should not ever be replaced.

If this post makes no sense well then you have just been tuned into a moment in time when you have seen how my brain works, and since I have no intention of going back and reading this, I will never know what I have said and if it makes sense. This truly has been a ramble in its truest sense.

Good morning! And in case I don't see you, good afternoon, good evening, and good night!


Alex said...

Are you leaving the blogging community? You end with a quote from "The Truman Show" where he leaves the bubble. Sounds like you need to take some time.
As far as communication goes, remember in the old days how our parents communicated with friends over a party line phone or at church on Sundays? Communication has progressed at an incredible rate and I don't think we are face to face any less as a result, if anything we are more. I used several different methods of communication to get a poker game going tonight, for some face to face time. Real time face to face communication is still the most fun, but being able to write your communications can be a great way to express yourself in a more controlled method.

Dan said...

Since you wont read your post, you likely wont read this either, but great post Matt. You are a deep thinker when the red cat-demon is not possessing your mind.

I hope you keep posting and make it a mix. That will make it real, to not try to be funny or serious but to just be.

We must be courageous enough to be ourselves at every moment.