It is that time game, the 29th Olympiad has fallen upon us and is coming at as live (or sort of live) from the world's next most powerful nation of China. For those of you who don't think that they are going to overtake the states as the world leader, kindly take your head out of the sand and take a look at their sheer population size of 1.3 BILLION people, that is almost 4 times as big as the states. On that fact alone you can hold them down anymore and they are coming and coming fast. But I digress as that has nothing to do with the post I am writing.
This post is about Canada and our showing at the Olympics and just our attitude in general. I am about ready to puke if I hear one more time the following sentence "We are so proud of ourselves for the way that we competed, we can officially call our selves Olympians" This is the do gooder attitude that is getting us NO WHERE!!! since when has it been the goal to go to the Olympics and simply compete. Now I am not a world class athlete, but I have played in sports and would consider my self an athlete of some sorts, with that said, if I was training to go to the Olympics, I would want my country to give me what I needed to compete for gold, not simply compete.
I am not blaming the athletes as they do the best with the training that they have been afforded, I am putting the blame right on the shoulders of us, the people of Canada. We need to start kickin ass and taking names when it comes to things like this. If you take a look at the Chinese, once they found out they were awarded the games, they made it their mission, notice how it was not a goal, THEIR MISSION to finish first overall when it comes to medals and especially gold medals, now they might not beat the states, but they sure as shit are giving it a helluva run. This is something that the rest of the athletic world should be taking note of. If you are going to compete in something, go to win it all!! We as Canadians don't have that killer instinct and consider it simply an honor to have shown up.
I am not saying that every athlete that goes to the games needs to come home with a medal, but aren't you all just as sick of coming in 22th 28th 24th 48th or higher and not having a single medal yet?? I know that we are not going to be able to compete with the likes of china or the states, but no medals... this is becoming a joke that the Canadian government needs to open their eyes to and start providing proper funding. We have world class athletes that could be coming home with medals, yet we aren't providing them with the needs to get to the next level of competition.
With all this said, I realize that we are more of a winter Olympics nation and we have started the "own the podium" campaign for Vancouver 2010, but why cant we have success in both summer and winter, last time i looked we do have summer and all that jazz in this country (yes i know that some might debate this). We are a powerful enough nation that we should be able to have better results than we are getting.
To finish, the attitude of we came, competed, did the best we could and can be proud to be Olympians... that is the athletes way of politely asking/telling the country that they need more funding if we are to get better result. I am curious and almost anxious to see how our little "Own the Podium" will turn out. If we take it as serious as the Chinese did, then we will be one damn proud nation, but we continue the way we have, we aint gonna own squat.
These are my thoughts and in no way reflect the thoughts of facts from or about anyone else but you may find this interesting "Get serious Canada"
If you know me you'd know that this kind of thing I care not much about. What I do care about however is GOOD TELEVISION.. Entertainment, and HUMOUR. Why I like to watch the olympics now is just to see how bad the canadians do. I hope we get zero medals, save for the BASEBALL TEAM which is going for gold. SOLID gold baby... Yea.
I also like watching that american swimming dude rack up the gold.. wow, now that guy.. THAT GUY.. is good.
Also.. um. Yea. And that canadian kayaker all whiny after his "heat"? give me a break buddy..
Also.. yea so, the chinese gymnastic KIDS? The minimum allowable age into the olympics is 16. Tell me they are 16? BULLCRAP!
Chinese.. fake opening ceremonies, fake ages.. what next? what next I ask thee..
The medals are probably not even real gold
All I can say is toughen up princess and start watching Australia. More medals per person than any other country. Sitting in 6th on the medal telly with a population of only 20 mil.
We only suck in mens athletics and our mens basketball team is crap, though it is coached by a yank, which ismy excuse. but our womens basketball team will be in the gold medalplayoff and the only team daring enough to wear bodysuits.
These olympics suck so bad probably going to be called worst olympics ever and that is for every country but the cheating chinese.
Count me out on the more funding part of your note. I don't want my money going toward being known as the country that is great at sports. I want to be known as the country that has excellent health care and is a safe place to live so spend my taxes on our ailing healthcare system please. Also, Canada does have a do-gooder attitude but that's what makes Canadians, Canadians. Of course I'm American born so I have a killer / winner takes all instinct but I don't think feeling great about giving your best is an awful attitude. Now just to be clear, the moment any of my kids is good enough at a sport to be in the Olympics I will start bugging all of you to fund sports programs and I will change my feelings about this issue entirely.
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