U is for UFO.
Let's discuss. Are there UFO's? One could answer quite simply "yes of course, by it's definition there are plenty of Unidentified Flying Objects all around us everyday".. but this is not what I'm writing about. I'm writing about the real McCoy, the grand pappy of them all.. the Extra Terrestrial UFOs. The method of travel chosen by intelligent beings inhabiting other planets to our planet.
Since Ray and Mark's sighting in Feb of this year, documented in a comment on THIS blog entry, I've been feverishly researching this phenomena to a point of obsession. The amount of information out there on the net is astounding, not to mention the published books and other media on the subject known as ufology, exopolitics, exobiology, etc.. I've become as close to an expert one can get being educated purely on research and hearsay, never having a close encounter myself, I remain cautiously open minded.
What I would like to do here is throw a couple of links at you of current events strictly relating to ufology. If you don't already know, ufo "sightings" have been increasing at a massive rate globally, so much so that the evidence is staggering. I'm not just talking about fuzzy videos and crappy pictures, there have been a few mass sightings.. unexplainable stuff.. but that's just the beginning. The main thing being empathically discussed now is disclosure.
There are many websites and books being published on the hot topic of disclosure. In a nut shell, this is what it is being said: Alien races have been visiting earth for many many years. Most of the governments know about them and have been in communication with them but have kept this secret for many good reasons. The governments have had compliance and cooperation with the alien races up until recently, where it's thought that the alien races think the general population of the earth now need to know of their existence and to prove that we are not alone. Why this push on disclosure is of massive discussion and debate, no one is really sure but the generally accepted speculation is that planet earth is in danger, and that we need help. The governments are being pushed to full disclosure with the help of the aliens, but are very reluctant to for obvious reasons, the two largest of course being religious and economical (not to mention political of course).
This topic is huge. But if you are interested in this kind of thing, here is one link you should look at. It is by far the most popular and visited site pertaining to ufology:
Open Minds Forum
Here's another interesting read:
Majestic Documents
And another:
Project Serpo
Its a great blog which have a very interesting idea by writing article from the letter of alphabet and provide lots of very interesting information and style to share is very nice keep it up.
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