Well we have made it here and we are enjoying our time immensely. We finally got a little chance to slow down and enjoy a little relaxation. The family has shown us a great time and have encouraged us repeatedly to come back soon (which we hope to do) We have had the privilege of visiting some of south Australia's finest wineries, wild parks and other places. Katie finally was able to get the chance to hold a koala at a place called Gorge's wildlife park. We we able to hold the koala and feed and pet the "roos" At one point i even fed a roo from my mouth, which ended in an intimate moment for the both of us. There were a many nights of eating dinner followed by wonderful conversation an occasional cigar and some very nice wine.
The places that we have visited have been amazing, we have spent time at the beach, time scuba diving (heard there was a shark there, but only 8-10 feet) drank very nice wine, seen the strength and beauty of the sea and happened upon seals and other wildlife that we don't even get to see in Calgary, or north America. It is sad that as we leave Adelaide we know that the end of the trip is closer than the beginning, but i guess all good things must come to an end. uncle Pete, aunt Anne, Lauren, Todd and Mel have been amazing hosts and like everyone else we have met here showed us great Aussie life! We even have been upgraded from scurvy scum to Crew! Thanks uncle Pete and Lauren!! Well we are off to Cairns, and that is a whole different adventure and story that will have to wait another day, because at the moment i don't find it funny, but i am told by everyone else that i will look back and laugh... Not bloody likely!! talk to you all when we arrive back in Calgary and maybe i can be bribed to tell the story, which also explains why this is short and sweet.

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