I was reading the paper this morning over breakfast and coffee, and there it was. An article on cats. You see many of you have said that I am too harsh in my opinions on cats and what should be done with them, however if our great city of Calgary is taking measures and making laws for these vile creatures, then, my dear readers, maybe it is all of you who have it wrong, and thus it is me who has it right. You see the new law that came into effect January 1, 2008 was that you are REQUIRED to have your cat licensed, and not only that you are REQUIRED to restrict them to your own yard or property. So as you can see in the following article, our city also has a problem with these devil creatures.
Read this for clarification 
And to the lady in the picture, shut up, do what the city says and stop complaining like a typical crazy cat lady. If not I will come and hunt your cat down. The dawn of the cat hunter is upon us!!! Robert De Niro and Christopher Walken ain't got nothin' on me!!
And if you are still not convinced that cats are evil and do not belong anywhere but on a farm, watch the first 10 minutes of the movie Hostel II and then go ahead and tell me that they are nice furry little creatures that only puuurrrrr, if that doesn't do it then tell me this; what two creatures have evil little slits for eyes... Serpents and cats, and we all know the most famous serpent sure as shit wasn't good and pure.
haha...i think you are OBSESSED! but since you are my brother and i am allergic to cats and dislike them as well (not however to the extent that you do)...i still love you...even if you are crazy! :-)
oh...and your link doesn't work...for the article i assume?
you are crazy! haha...
oh and your link doesn't work...i assume it was for the article???
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