As many of you know this week, June 4 we in calgary were treated a rare occurance, a freak flash flood. Now we have had floods before as late as 2005, yet this was due to a month of constant rain and the ground being saturated. This was a flash flood like we havent seen in almost a century. It began as a thunder storm warning that turned into the all to familiary (for thos in Michigan) ominous green sky. We were playing softball in the NE and had just called the game for saftey reasons when the heaven open up and BAM we were getting hammered by Rain. The beauty/curse of this storm was that it engulfed the whole city, for those who have never been here, we are over a million people spread out over a vast area of land, so needless to say it is rare that Calgary will be completely blanketed by a storm from north to south and east to west all at the same time. It rained, sorry downpoured to to point where waterfalls were coming off the over passes and Katie and I thought we were going to have a broken windsheild any moment, for a steady 45 minutes, and when it was all said and done, every quadrant of the city was experiencing major flooding. Underpasses were flooded out, houses were on fire from lighting, cars were submereged and the city was in chaos. Now after katie and I had managed to drive through the mess by carefull picking our route, we were able to enjoy the rest of the storm, sirens and stories of major damage over a nice pint at a local bar with the rest of our team. So the point of this post is to always take time to enjoy the power and majest of God's nature whilst talking over your favorite pint at your local watering hole with friends.
Here is a link to see the damage that ensued, it is estimated that the damage will be well over $20 million dollars for the 10 centimeters or 4 inches that fell in less than an hour. This is what would normally fall in the month of June combined. And remember the whole city was hit at the same time. Truly a freak storm and one to remember.
Thought you were going to tell us that was your car. Glad it wasn't and you actually enjoyed the storm. Miss you guys here!
I miss you too.
you too Katie W. ;-|
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