So this week begins the next installment of the horrow film Hostel. We are going to be treated with Hostel II. Once again this movie provides no plot or story line of relavance, it does however, contribute to the scary movie club that has been started and still maintained by yours truly, Katie Weening and last, but most definitely NOT least, Alex Schaap.
Now for those of you who do now know, Katie and I are strangely addicted to scary/horror movies. We plan to see as many as possible on opening night. Now back to Hostel II, like I stated before there will be no real story line or plot that we will talk about after it is all said and done, but what will be talked about it the crap that we just witnessed and subjected ourselves too of our own free will. This club is some sick twisted way to rid us all of our fears, yet for some reasons (for me at least) reassures that my fears are alive and well, just ask katie about my ferocious head butt that no doubt left a nasty bruise.
So to all you who are brave enough to submitted to that which is the scary movie (whatever scares you the most) i salute you and hope to see you at the next club meeting, where the rest of us Elite Hunting Group members will be screaming, crying or just simply curled up in a fetal postion wanted our mommy and wonder why on God's green earth we keep doing this to ourselves. So until next time, Happy hunting and be brave my little one!
hi matt!!! how the heck are you guys? good here. i've gotta blog too, check it out mvermaas.blogspot.com
hope all is well!
mattie and katie..
I am salivating at the thought of seeing Hostel II. I truly can't wait. However, I am finding a surprising amount of people will never see that kind of movie. Oh, and YOU KNOW.. YOU KNOW.. that my scariest movies are those involving Ghosts + Kids. YOU KNOW THAT MAN, Damn.. how the hell did you get that one wrong on my facebook quiz. Psychological Thrillers? I EAT THOSE FOR BREAKFAST, REGURGITATE AND HAVE THEM FOR LUNCH!!! Dude.. seriously. DUDE!!
Katie, how can you watch that crap? I get so scared I can't sleep for weeks. I no longer watch any scary movies.
Sorry for the late post. I am commenting on archives. Oh well.
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