Friday, March 7, 2008

Change to the weekday layout!!

Having been in the work force for the past 8 years (I know not that long) I have come to the realization that our current weekly format and layout is simply not working anymore, and that we can have the same amount of work completed in a week with my new calendar.

It is quite simple actually, nothing to do with the solar system or anything to do with the zodiac (take that Zeitgeist) or even the year of the rat. All we need to do to make life more fun and enjoyable, it to acknowledge that it is absolutely necessary to somehow implement the 4 day work week followed by the 3 day weekend.

In order to make this work, the only change would be to have people work 10 hour days instead of the regular (office clones) 8 that is standard right now. That way the employer will still get the standard 40 hour work week and the employee with retain all the benefits and wages that they are owed while being able to enjoy 3 days of rest and relaxation either on their own, or with their family. The best part of this is, is that if an employer asks you to come in and work on the weekend you are still going to get at least a 2 day weekend.

This is something that I came up with and named while I was working at Interior Concepts as a graphic designer in Michigan. I tossed around about working less and making the same amount of money. Well that was not going to happen, so I came up with a whole new week and renamed the weekend days. I am not sure exactly what the name was, but we got rid of Wednesday - one because it is spelled dumb, and second it eliminated "hump day" and added a day, I think called Matday right between Friday and Saturday. Hence the new work week was, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, with Matday, Saturday, Sunday rounding out the weekend.

So there you have it, the perfect work week to replace the current, failing I might add, work week format that we have now. If we continue down this path, people are only going to get more and more tired and have more and more nervous breakdowns. I am telling you people the insanity of it all has to stop!!



Alex said...

I think Wednesday is spelled dumb as well, and I want to choke the people that actually pronounce it Wed-nes-day. It's Wenzday, and it's almost as annoying as "Feburary" -- what the hell is up with that? I mean... who comes up with that crap? Stupid Latins.

Anonymous said...

I work a 38 hour week currently and no way am i going to increase my work load. 10 hour days!!! You have to be kidding that only leaves 4 hours for doing stuff after i sleep for the other 10 hours to get over my long day. Crazy i tells ya. just give me four hour shifts and hire twice as many people. It will lower unemployment and the whole economy will benefit as a result.
By the way Alex you can come and choke me if you like, but i do know the correct spelling for the second month of the year.

Anonymous said...

Matday? Is that a day that you spend by yourself? Just you and the Victoria Secrets catalogue in the bathroom. Little self centred queen if you ask me.

Mattie said...

Someone who has the brass balls to call me a self centered queen, must MOST CERTAINLY have the balls to post their name... oh wait I see not! Humm therefore your comment shall be deleted in 24 hours unless you can muster up the cahoonies to actually use a name when insulting me. CSBS!!

Anonymous said...

But that is the joy of being anonymous. You forgot little by the way. I thought that was the most pertinent word in that phrase.